Around The Block (ATB) is a budding community of creatives and content creators. Launched in 2016, Around The Block has worked with filmmakers and other creators to capture emotions, create conversations, and share stories. We believe that creatives are all around us, some found while others continuously work in silence. With the collaboration between Creative and Content Creator, Around The Block creates, as well as curate, content from art to design, fashion to music, and so much more - all centered around the creative culture.
Around The Block believes that a creative culture does not only enrich our lives with works of art that pleases the five senses but nourishes our understanding of life, individuality, and greater social issues. However, in order to ensure that the creativite culture can truly enhance a community's well-being, the creatives and their craft must be exposed to the public, connoisseur or otherwise; the creatives must be allowed to freely express their thoughts and ideals through the craft; works of art must be democratised for the general public to be able to appreciate and learn; and greater collaboration must ensue not only between creatives but between the creative culture and other sectors.
In order to uphold our vision for Around The Block and curate a creative culture ATB must become the platform for creative work and collaboration between creatives, filmmakers, brands, and the audience at large. To that end ATB is built on three pillars:
Share Stories
- Creatives are more than just "painters" or "musicians," often time than not, they have a story to tell or a societal problem that needs pointing out.
- The comparatively small creative culture that we are currently living in is partly due to a small audience. The rest of the population aren't aware of the amazing talent and point of view that these creatives may have.
- Sharing the creative's story is to allow these creatives for greater exposure to not only the audience within the creative culture but outwith their individual tribes.
Capture Emotion
- In order to truly express the creative's intent, ideas, and passion it is imperative that we capture the emotion within their work through a documentation of their creative process.
- A lot of these creatives have much to say but aren't vocal about them. That said, if one truly understands their work then lyrics, plays, canvases and the like speak volumes. It is our mission to aid the audience in understanding why a work of art is as it is by capturing the creative's emotions.
- Capturing a creative's emotion is imperative to bridging together the creative, their work of art, and the audience.
Create Conversation
- Creative work may be done in silence but the creative culture cannot survive when the community falls silent.
- In order for ideas to nourish, art to be appreciated, and a community to grow there must be conversations between the individuals within and outwith the community.
- To create a robust creative culture ATB will strive towards greater conversation with the featured creatives without social or political constraints, to the best of our abilities.