Meet Brindha Kumar: a 25-year-old rising young talent currently painting the local scene with her marvellous animated illustrations. Her bright and bold illustrations are a fresh interpretation of modern art, coupled with subtle hues of her interests and concerned issues.
Read MoreLate last February, our Executive Producer and Chief Editor, ADAM JEFFERY, took a trip up north to the metropolitan city of Bangkok, Thailand to relax, unwind, and get the lay of the local art scene. Catching the tail end of an exhibition at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, he managed to take a gander at the Erwin Wurm exhibition, aptly named ‘The Philosophy of Instructions’, curated by Pichaya Aime Suphavanij. The exhibition ran from 26 November 2016 to 26 February 2017.
Read MoreNostalgic. Monochromatic. Introvert. These are the three words that best describe 25 year old MARK TAN, an artist specialising in the sheltered art of printmaking in Malaysia. The pattern of three’s continue with the elements of nostalgia that his artwork possesses. Focusing on place, memory, and identity, Tan invites us to see where we have been, what we remember, who we are, and perhaps even where we are heading towards.
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